On this date in 2009, T. I. was forced to boot a fellow Atlanta rapper off of his Grand Hustle Records roster because it was revealed that the up-and-coming artist was an informant for the DEA.

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The online tabloid The Smoking Gun first broke the story when legal documents were uncovered that showed that Alfamega was an informant for the Drug Enforcement Agency during the trial of a heroin trafficker.

T.I., who himself went to jail because of one of his bodyguards working with authorities in his publicized 2007 gun-buying tasting, in which the Grand Hustle CEO had to serve a year and a day behind bars. Needless to say, T.I. was more than livid when this information about his newest artist was discovered.


“Even though all of our artists and employees are asked by us to be honest and open about their paat history, at no time did Alfa disclose to me or Grand Hustle was has now appeared on the media,” T.I. read in a statement on MisInfo.TV. “He essentially deceived us…”

No one in Hip Hop has ever heard from the rapper Alfamega ever again.