Leslie Black, who made her mark in the acclaimed series “Metro,” is a force of transformation in the acting world. Her dedication to storytelling, which has been a lifelong passion, initially led her to aspire to be a writer. However, a pivotal role in a local TV show during her college years, offered by a friend who was a theater major, sparked her love for acting. This ignited a fire within her, leading her to pursue acting as a career with unwavering commitment.

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After graduating from South Carolina State University, Leslie moved to Atlanta to pursue her dreams. She has since become a seasoned actor, known for her ability to deeply connect with her characters. Whether portraying a powerful executive or an enslaved person, Leslie brings authenticity and vitality to every role. Her admiration for Ava DuVernay’s career path is a source of inspiration, and she is thrilled about the new opportunities that streaming platforms provide for filmmakers.

Leslie’s impressive resume includes guest-starring on “Chicago-Med,” playing Sedi in the TV movie “Montross Blood Rules,” and leading in the upcoming feature film “The Perfect Love Storm.” She also worked alongside Aaron Eckhart in “Muzzle,” playing Councilwoman Priscilla Cross, and is set to recur in Will Packer’s mini-series “Fight Night” as Wanda.


Beyond acting, Leslie has expanded her talents to include producing and writing. Last year, she created and starred in the suspenseful short film Mommas. She will do the same for Celia’s Cabin, set to debut in 2024. She has also launched her own production company, Staunch Films, to create groundbreaking content.

Looking ahead, Leslie’s five-year plan includes becoming a series regular on a top-rated show and expanding her empire by continuing to write, produce, and star in her projects. She aims to secure network deals and theatrical releases, further establishing her influence in the industry.

Leslie Black continues to push boundaries and set new standards with her exceptional artistry and ambition. With many projects on the horizon and her production company making waves, she is well on her way to achieving her goals and leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment world.  Check her out in the upcoming films Miss Cleo: The Rise and Fall and Will Packer’s Fight Night.