B.o.B Discusses New Album On The Breakfast Club

Bobby Ray talks concept of Underground Luxury and more on The Breakfast Club

B.o.BWith his new album Underground Luxury having just hit the shelves, B.o.B made his way to Power 105.1’s The Breakfast Club to sit down with Angela Yee, Charlamagne and DJ Envy to talk more about  the album. When asked about the meaning of the title ‘Underground Luxury,’ he explained that because he didn’t have much while coming up in Atlanta, he had no choice but to be innovative in order to make what he did have luxurious.

Afterward, he went on to discuss the talk about him sporadically crossing over to pop music, as well as the sound on Underground Luxury.

This album, for me, is like getting back to where I was when I was making mixtapes,” he proclaimed.

Watch the interview here to find out what else Bobby Ray had to say on The Breakfast Club.

– Antionette Latrese (@_ALatrese)