Statement By Rev. Faulkner Against Republicans

Posted by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher (Twitter @HHSYC)


The Rev. Michel Faulkner 



“For too long Black Republicans like me have sat quietly while our political party has ignored us because they don’t understand us despite being part of the founding of the party.

It is not very often that I find myself in agreement with anything that the NAACP says but I find myself in that situation now.  Let me say from the outset Representative Tim Scott (R-S.C.)  is one of the most honorable men that we have in Congress. It is because the Grand Old Party and its dysfunctional relationship with the Black community that we don’t have more like him in Congress.

I strongly disagree with the Rev. William Barber( Head of North Carolina NAACP)  who himself appears to be supporting typical Democratic Party venom against any free thinking Black person that has left the Democratic Party plantation. The truth be told Democrats have told so many lies about the advancement of our people that most Black Democrats don’t know who they are anymore or how to advance the cause of “our people”. The Republican Party deserves pubic rebukes and reprimands for its dismissal of the Black vote leaving many like me without a real party.

The National Republican Party has lied and played games around the issue of really competing for the Black vote and berated the Black community for remaining enslaved to the Democratic plantation. They have not offered any alternatives.

RevFaulkner3I conclude with the words of one of the founders of the Republican Party, Frederick Douglass: “I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.”

I have grown tired of the lies from Republican leaders but I refuse to leave the party because I remain committed to ideals of individual rights and responsibly, free enterprise and smaller government. I am just sorry that I waited so long to speak out publicly.”

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The Rev. Michel Faulkner is a leading black conservative voice in America and frequent commentator on local and national media shows.  A former Congressional candidate, he is founder of the Institute For Leadership and author of Restoring the American Dream.  

Rev. Michel Faulkner


Academic career

After leaving the Jets in June 1982 Faulkner returned to Washington DC. After several unsuccessful attempts to get into broadcast media Faulkner decided to attend graduate school.  After deciding to attend CBN, now Regents University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, he served as Virginia Tech’s assistant academic advisory to athletes.  Faulkner moved to Blacksburg, Virginia (Virginia Tech) to complete his master’s degree in education and career counseling.  After completing his master’s degree in 1985, Faulkner met Jerry Falwell and joined Liberty University as assistant Dean of Students. In 1987, he was promoted to vice president for urban ministry.  In 1988 he moved from Lynchburg Va. to Times Square area of Manhattan.


In 1988, Faulkner returned to New York City as assistant pastor of Lamb’s Church in Times Square.  Here he worked directly with homeless men, women and children as both a pastor and a social worker.  Faulkner worked as an advocate for the homeless and the poor with both city, state and community organizations.

In 1989, Faulkner joined Calvary Baptist Church in Midtown Manhattan as a youth pastor and community outreach.  He led the ministries to train and develop youth and managed the church’s programs serving the homeless, the prison ministry and an HIV/AIDS program.  Faulkner was ordained at Calvary Baptist Church in December 1991.

In 1993, Rev. Faulkner became the senior pastor of Central Baptist Church in Manhattan, growing the congregation from an average of 50 weekly attendees to over 400.  During his nearly 14-year tenure at Central Baptist Church, Rev. Faulkner played in a leadership role in the creation of numerous city and leadership development programs.  He now pastors the New Horizon Church.

Central Baptist Church

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