Happy 44th Birthday To DITC Founder, Lord Finesse!


Being an advocate for true school Hip Hop, there is no way I can let this day end without showing respect to the legendary Lord Finesse on his 44th birthday. The DITC founder was born on this day in 1970, right as a wave of a culture representing new music and lifestyles was spawning; now known as Hip Hop. With four albums under his belt and an infinite amount of lives touched/inspired, Finesse’s legacy still reigns supreme to those who can’t embrace the old school enough.

If you’re reading this post and asking yourself, “Isn’t he the guy that went to court with Mac Miller?” then I highly suggest you take some time to checkout the videos after the jump. Finesse has been around since the beginning and amongst the saturation of new emcees, I feel a lot of the younger generation has lost motivation to search and support these founders. Check out some of Lord Finesse’s best visuals and photos after the jump!

Matt Whitlock – @mattwhitlockpm