Nikko Lafre Releases His Mixtape ‘Survival: Face The World’

Nikko Lafre tells us all about his Survival mindset.Nikko Survival

Your intro is very important when producing a great mixtape. The intro sets the mood for the tape and is what keeps people listening or makes them turn it off. Nikko Lafre starts off his mixtape “Survival: Face The World” with a reflective passionate intro filled with bars. After the intro, Nikko Lafre keeps the good music coming with 9 other tracks that show off Nikko Lafre’s artistry. The Minnesota representative does a great job of showing his variety throughout his music. There’s music on this mixtape for you to sit back and vibe to, turn up to, and music filled with personal stories that everybody can relate to. Nikko Lafre is sure to create a great buzz for himself after this mixtape and the anticipation for his album is sure to be high.

DodgerOnDeck (@DodgerOnDeck)
