Her Source | March 10th is National Womens HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

KeysAccording to Alicia Keys “HIV is a womens issue and were not talking about it enough.”

Today is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The office on Women’s Health that coordinates National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, started this day to engage women in getting tested for HIV as well as opening discussion with women and their partner’s on safe sex practices.

Alicia Keys who started Greater Than AIDS also offers the We are Empowered campaign that affirms the power of women — as mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, partners and people living with HIV – to change the course of this disease through every day actions. Alicia Keys sits down with superwomen sisters, mothers, daughters and grandmothers living with HIV to talk about the disease in a open forum.


According to Planned Parenthood, “More than 1.1 million people living with HIV in the U.S. today, one in four is a woman. Women of color have been especially hard hit, accounting for the majority of new infections occurring among women in the U.S. There has been some good news when it comes to women and HIV in the U.S. with a reported significant 21% decrease in new infections among American women in recent years.”

Check out what Alicia Keys had to say about National Womens HIV Awareness Day below:


by Michele Amira @nicejewishswag