Check Out The Trailer For “Time Is Illmatic”, Nas Documentary

ILLMATIC XXThe twentieth anniversary for Nas’ seminal album, Illmatic, is in full gear now, with only a week away from the release of the XX re-issue. Today, fans get their first look at the upcoming documentary Time Is Illmatic, which follows the impact and creation of the project. In the two and a half minute trailer, snippets from interviews can be heard, while scenes of a young Nas in the streets are continuously roll through. It doesn’t seem like it will tackle the album, but will also discuss the entire scene surrounding hip hop and the streets, especially those of Queensbridge, the home of the emcee. Towards the end, the child picture that adorns the album cover is superimposed over the apartment complex from the artwork, but this time it is more dynamic, with people moving in the background. It is extremely well done and already has us excited to see the film at the Tribecca Film Festival. Check it out above.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)