Big Freedia Makes Supporters Feel Free At Buku Music + Art Festival!


BUKU_FREEDIA_4New Orleans’ Buku festival consists of a wide array of artists, but hometown musician Big Freedia has her own type of energy. Stepping off a VIP riverboat, having just given a full-body twerk lesson to a crowd of eager learners, The Source caught up with Big Freedia, one of the leading bounce artists out of the crescent city.

Nikeisha: I’m here with Big Freedia.

Big Freddia: Yah betta’ believa’

N: You used to be a choir director. And I’m aware your mom owned a club. So I’m curious, how did those two different atmospheres help to shape you as a person? As well as your music today?

F: Well, I definitely was always into somethin’. And no matter what it was; it was always something’ positive. So my mom always wanted to keep me focused on somethin’. I was helping to run the club & helping to direct the choir. You know, all at the same time; multi-tasking, and just being able to be free to help out and do things for my mom ‘n ’em. It definitely helped to shape my career in many ways so I can have multiple things goin’ on. And I’m a really hard worker, so that’s my drive; that’s where it comes from. From my youth, til’ now.

N: You being from New Orleans, & Katrina occurring about 9yrs ago; how would you say the bounce community came together during that disaster?

F: The whole New Orleans came together as a family because we were all displaced. We were all going through somethin’. We were all missin’ home. So it was a time for the city to come together. And that’s a sense of what New Orleans is about; pulling & bringing each other together. It helped draw back all of the people to bounce music ’cause they were missin’ the music. They were fiendin’ for it like it’s a drug. When we were at all these different places all around the world, all these people was like, “What is that music?” And we was like, “That’s a sound from New Orleans.” And that’s how it started spreading all over the world.

N: And who are some of the artists that were involved at that time; trying to help spread bounce?

F: Magnolia Shorty, myself, Katey Red, Sissy Nobby, Cheeky Blakk, Partners -n-Crime, Ms. Tee. Everybody was tryna do sumthin’ to bring themselves back & help bring people back to New Orleans.


N: And what’s the type of love & feeling you get when you travel around & come back & perform in New Orleans?


F: It’s that home love. There’s no place like home. I can go about anywhere in New Orleans and feel safe & get a lot, a lotta love; that feelin’ of home. Most of the time when I’m outta town…people runnin’ all up to me and, “Hey Freedia this…Hey Freedia that.” But at home I can go anywhere & still feel safe.


N: Nice. And you being a gay artist in a majority hetero music industry; have you experienced any challenges?


F: Not really. People have been respecting me in my own lane. I haven’t been having any controversy with any other artists out there. And I’m very thankful for that. I do me, and nobody give me any slash or any problems. And I’m thankful for that.


N: That it should be… I just saw you give a twerk lesson on the Buku VIP Riverboat earlier. You have a way of getting women especially, to do things most male artists would never get them to do. 


F: Right.


N: What do you think it is about your performance & your flavor that gets women to ‘bus’ open’?


F: I would definitely say its a sense of safety. I give them a sense of safety & freedom to be able to express themselves through dance & not think that they’re being judged and they’re goin’ to be touched. They’re not going to be looked at in a very strange way. And I just let them do them; & people love that about me.


N: It definitely shows too because there were a lot of people taking proper instruction from your lesson. [Laughs] 


F: [Laughs] Definitely.


N: Along with that rapid-fire beat, comes gyrating dance moves. What are some of your favorite moments from either your own dancers, or audience dancers at your concerts?


F: Well there be a lotta fun moments because there’s always somebody up there that really gets it…And there’s always somebody up there who don’t get it at all.


F&N: [Laughs]


F: So its always a fun moment at the shows because you be like, “Look how he’s doin’ it. It’s so awesome. And oh look how she’s doin’ it…It’s so crappy.”


F&N: [Laughs]


F: You know, so thats like every show for me. ‘Cause when they’re shakin’ on stage I try to look at everybody to see whose doin’ it & whose not. So I get to see some interesting things throughout the night, I would say.


N: [Laughs] Well put. And what do you think of the effect bounce music has had on mainstream dance music?


F: Its definitely  getting more & more mainstream. They’re ready to bite even harder. They started with the twerking & its goin’ to keep on elevating even more. We was just in contact with Miley & her whole crew. They were like, “Show us this. Show us that.” So they definitely want to do some more things related to bounce music.


N: So is there a possible Miley collabo in the future?


F: Hopefully now that we’ve met & they see the realness of who we are & who they are. Hopefully we can get this collaboration that I’ve been prayin’ for.


N: That would be an interesting mix.


F: It will blow people away.


N: Truly.. Also, speaking on Buku, what’s the type of vibe that’s goin’ on here that you’re attracted to?


F: This is my 2nd time at Buku, and I haven’t had a chance to experience it fully. I’m always working’, doin’ press & performing’. But its been an awesome experience being here with the artist line-up. The feeling of the people is great because its here in New Orleans. The food & the vendors is really awesome & the artist displaying their work & craft here is really amazing. And that’s the most interesting part about Buku, is the art.


N: Yea, it’s a good vibe. Going into some of your projects; you recently wrapped up your reality show, right?


F: Yes, Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce comin’ again. Second season. The album’s supposed to be droppin’ too this summer called Free. So I have a lot goin’ on. Gotta Chilli Bean collaboration with my sunglass line comin’ out within a months time.


N: That’s gonna be nice & flavorful. I can only imagine.


F: It is, definitely. All designed by me. I worked with the designers to collaborate on the glasses, so they all were my ideas & input throughout the whole project. So I’m really excited about that.


N: That’s awesome. Thank you, I’ll be lookin’ out for the new album & the Miley collabo. Great talkin’ with you.


F: Yes, yes. Thank you. Source baby!


Interviewed by: Nikeisha Nelson/@niki_nel