This Will Ruin Your Childhood: Your Fave Cartoon Characters as Serial Killers


We always knew some of these cuddly little cuties seemed a little creepy.

Who doesn’t have fond memories of our favorite childhood cartoons?  We’ve seen artists do a lot of creative things–from creating Star Wars NFL teams to depicting collegiate life for our favorite “all growed up” (as the Rugrats would say) cartoon characters–but this takes the cake.


Artist Dan LuVisi came up with the clever idea of reimagining some of your cute and cuddly childhood favorites as psychopathic serial killers.

It doesn’t seem so far-fetched if you really think about it.  I mean, Oscar the Grouch lived in a trash can, for crying out loud.  Because that’s not creepy or anything.

Hit the flip to check out the disturbing pix. Childhood:  ruined.

April Dawn (@scarlettsinatra)