Ex-Players Allege That NFL Supplied Risky Medication

Jim McMahonAs more and more retired football players gain the courage to speak out against the league, fans have become increasingly aware of some of the foul tactics that the NFL has used to increase profits; however, this latest revelation might be the most damning. A class action suit has been brought against the National Football League, alleging that team’s medical staffs were supplying athletes with a steady diet of painkillers and powerful anti-inflammatory medication.

According to the retired players, the NFL illegal obtain and distributed the pills, without fully disclosing what the actual medical aliments they were treating. The lawsuit includes the names of eight former stars, including three from the legendary 1985 Champion Chicago Bears team: Richard Dent, Keith Van Horne, and Jim McMahon. In quarterback McMahon case, he states that he had a broken neck and ankle that he was unaware of until much later. He was treated with stream of painkillers, which he would later become addicted to, allegedly taking over a hundred capsules a month.

This is not what the league was looking forward to, especially since they just settled a major case about Concussions and potential health risk that were never taken seriously. If it gets more press, this could be a PR-nightmare and potentially blow up in the face of the owners. We are hoping that justice will be served and all of the facts come to light.


Via ESPN  

Jimi (@Nativejimi)