Of Course, Floyd Mayweather Came To Justin Bieber’s Defense After His “N-Word” Joke Video Surfaced

floyd justin

Money Team sticks together.

A few days ago, a video surfaced on the internet of a 15 year old Justin Bieber telling a pretty bad joke.


“Why don’t black people like chainsaws?”
Don’t answer
“Run n***a n***a n***a…”

Obviously, the only thing worse than the joke itself (the punchline was a pretty bad representation of the sound a chainsaw makes), was Justin Bieber using the “n word”, and it caused some backlash on the internet. Bieber ended up releasing a statement after the video went viral:


Floyd Mayweather, an avid Justin Bieber supporter, released a statement about the situation, asking the public to forgive the still young pop star, reminding everyone that at 15, mistakes are abundant.

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