Film Review: ‘The Maze Runner’

“The Maze Runner” is a suspense filled action movie that keeps the audience on the edge of their seat for the entire duration of the film.

The film started out with a snapshot into the world of “The Maze Runner,” with all the missing pieces of the story. As time progressed, these details were revealed to form a more cohesive and comprehensive story. Thomas, the main character, who is sent into this land in the middle of the maze, is startled and confused about his and everyone else’s purpose inside this mystical maze. He questions everything that the makeshift society has created and explores the maze for himself and breaks away from the norms. Doing so, he offsets a whirlwind of events that leave the society inside the maze hanging by a thread.

The way that the movie is set up keeps the audiences intrigued the whole way through, with its action packed suspense. The finale of the film created more suspense with mystique for a potential sequel since the book is part one of a trilogy. The characters are well-developed with their own distinct voice and being, carried out by spectacular actors. Much of the supporting cast featured up and coming actors who proved themselves on the big screen. These actors supported Thomas, Dylan O’Brien’s character throughout the movie. These actors put together a spectacular show that left us exciting for the next installment of this series.


The film is now playing.