Blake Griffin Details Donald Sterling’s “All White” Party

Imagine being subjected to that *shivers*

Blake Griffin recently took to Conan O’ Brien‘s late night spot to detail one of the more frightening experiences he’s ever had to endure in his life. It’s only right with Halloween around the corner, and this particularly chilling encounter involved him and his former boss, ousted Los Angeles Clipper owner Donald Sterling. Sterling, who became one of the biggest national headlines in recent memory after his girlfriend leaked audio of his racist rants, had this “All-White” parties–which required white clothing not white skin, for the record–and invited Griffin to one of them. Above is his account of what happened.


Imagine being paraded around a party full of people you’ve never met, and being introduced as the NBA’s #1 draft pick, and being forced to answer and re-answer the same questions over and over again? It sounds horrible. At least it’s over, Blake. Hello Steve Ballmer.