‘Anonymous’ Hacker Group Threatens To Release Iggy Azalea Sex Tape Stills

Iggy’s pissed off the whole internet it seems

Iggy Azalea spent the entire weekend getting trashed by Azealia Banks on Hot 97, schooled by Q-Tip on Twitter and debated about by every media personality with a social media account. Add the hacker group Anonymous to her list of annoyingly persistent conversationalists. According to a series of tweets from the Twitter account known to be associated with Anonymous, several stills from a sex tape involving Azalea, “a man in a business suit, a kardashian-like attempt at fame, and a record label,” will hit the internet. There’s no way of telling just how valid these threats are, but it’ll be interesting if Iggy allows the world to find out. Considering how seriously threats from hackers are being taken these days, this thing could go either way.