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Opening Day is Baseball’s version of the Super Bowl for every single team. All across the country from Boston, Massachusetts to San Diego, California are getting ready to open their gates to kick off the season. Every team in the league has the dream of being a contender for the title. Every team feels that they can win it all. Sadly Vegas doesn’t work in that type of fantasy. Vegas odds project that the team with the best odds to win the World Series is the Washington Nationals at 6-1. Not to far behind include the Los Angles Dodgers (17-2), the Boston Red Sox (10-1), and the Seatttle Mariners (12-1). Teams will the longest odds to win include the Tampa Bay Rays (66-1), and the Philadelphia Phillies (150-1). But baseball isn’t simply played on paper. Injuries, trades, and bad play all effect wither a team can meet its’ potential, or crumble under pressure. That is why they play the game. This season will be filled with home runs, no hitters, and walks off hits. So it’s almost that time for everyone to “Play Ball.”


KingJut (@KingJut92)

About The Author

After becoming a hip hop fan from the age of 8, I have always wanted to help move the culture forward. Wither it's writing or speaking I always try and do research in the work that I do.

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