Cameron Crowe Apologizes and Explains Casting Emma Stone in ‘Aloha’

Many film critics and fans have spoken up about questionable casting in Emma Stone’s latest film, Aloha.

Emma Stone plays the role of Allison Ng, a quarter-Hawaiian, quarter-Chinese, half-Swedish junior pilot. Many people have negatively reacted with the casting and physical portrayal of this character who is meant to be biracial.The Media Action Network for Asian Americans issued a statement in which they noted that only 30% of Hawaiian population is Caucasian, “but from watching this film, you’d think they made up 90%,” said MANAA Founding President Guy Aoki.


Director Cameron Crowe took notice of the Internet’s negative reactions and posted a blog entry issuing a public apology.

In his explanation Crowe wrote, ” I have heard your words and your disappointment, and I offer you a heart-felt apology to all who felt this was an odd or misguided casting choice… Captain Allison Ng was written to be a super-proud ¼ Hawaiian who was frustrated that, by all outward appearances, she looked nothing like one…extremely proud of her unlikely heritage, she feels personally compelled to over-explain every chance she gets…based on a real-life, red-headed local who did just that.”

Although Crowe’s explanation adequately defended his casting choice, it’s still indicative of the larger problem in Hollywood and its lack of diversity, especially in leading roles for females.

-Nishat Baig