Summer season is upon us and it is essential that you develop a beauty routine that makes you “glow up” (as the young folks say). Glowing up means properly caring for your skin. Proper care means: cleansing, protecting, and renewing your skin. Check out some bomb beauty pointers that you should be adding to your beauty rotation!

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1.    Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser


Cetaphil’s Gentle Skin Cleanser is a dermatologist favorite.  Its gentle formula is ideal for all skin types from dry to oily. Dermatologists are big fans of the product because it is non-alkaline (pH 6.3-6.8), lipid-free, non-comedogenic, and mild enough for sensitive skin. Additionally, it contains a slightly acidic pH and includes high concentrations of hydrating acetyl alcohol and sodium lauroyl sarcosinate. Both of these components attract moisture to the skin, rather than stripping the skin of moisture as many of the lipids in bar soaps can do.

2.    Green Tea

Drinking green tea can yield lots of wonderful benefits for your skin. Green tea is packed with antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Free radicals produce wrinkles, which are often fueled by pollution and UV rays (there’s lots of UV rays in the summer because of the sun exposure).

3.    Clean Your Pillowcase

It is important that you change your pillowcase once a week. Bacteria can build up so it’s important that you get into a routine of scrapping your pillowcase for a clean one on a weekly basis.

4.    Vitamin C

Vitamin C has great benefits for the epidermis. It has anti-aging components that ultimately yield brighter and healthier skin. Additionally, it helps enhance healthy collagen production and it reduces the appearance of brown spots and other forms of sun damage. Up your Vitamin C intake naturally through foods like kiwis, oranges, tomatoes, papayas, strawberries and pineapples.


-Savannah Britt (@Sav_Britt)

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