[Interview] Koereyelle DuBose Gives Life Advice In “Werk 101”

Atlanta-based branding phenomenon and self-described “President of The Single Wives Club,” Koeryelle DuBose recently published her first published book, Werk 101. A well-known speaker, branding coach and lifestyle expert in the South and Midwest region, HERSource chatted with Koeryelle to get her take on careers, branding, and how every woman can unleash her purpose and uncover her passion.

Tell us how Werk 101 came to be?
“It’s the third book I’ve written, but the first I ever published. With this one, I just felt it was a complete package that women can take away from. It’s for any and every woman who knows they can be doing better than what they are. I’ve had some many trial and error experiences in my life, ranging from lifestyle and wellness to branding and I wanted to share them with other women. I’m an ‘expert’ due to my experiences, and I wanted other women to learn from my mistakes. My success story isn’t perfect so I want them to see the road to success has bumps and is ongoing.”

What kinds of topics do you touch on?
I talk about a lot of things: health, lifestyle, wellness, branding, careers, and all of that. This book is really a guide for women to learn how to live their best life. I’ve given tips in each area that women can use to better utilize their time and talent. I’ve given some personal stories so women can see how I’ve applied my own advice to my life. I talk a lot in there about self-development, because I feel that’s key to success in all areas of your life. I discuss wealth and finances also because that plays a factor in everything, from health to branding and I think women need to learn more about how to apply financial literacy to their life.”



Why do you think women have been so receptive to the book?
“Women like to learn from me because I don’t claim to know everything, but I do give some sound advice. I also touch on a lot of topics, and I think any and everyone who reads it will learn something new from it. I was intentional on it being something empowering and encouraging for women.

What’s next for the book? Do you plan on doing tours or panels?
I’m going to be doing a small tour of seven cities to promote the book and discuss it with women across the country. The major thing my team and I are working on is a ‘workshop box.’ It’ll contain everything from worksheets to tools to help you jump start your goals. It’ll be a one-stop shop of materials to help you better organize your thoughts and visualize your goals. Kind of a like a workbook/study program of sorts.”

What do you hope everyone takes away from your book and your sessions?
I want them to know they’re equipped with everything they need to make their dreams come true! They just have to apply themselves and some simple concepts and they can make it happen.”