London-Based Company Opens Free Masturbation Booth in NYC

New York City is no stranger to sex-related shops and stands, just ask anyone who frequents SoHo or the Lower East Side, where you’ll have a harder time finding a pack of cigarettes than you will a dildo. However, the masturbation booths and back-room operations that grew popular in the 1970’s are largely extinct. London-based sex toy company Hot Octupuss is doing something about that.

In a press release, the company has announced the installment of a free masturbation booth–dubbed the GuyFi booth–on the corner of 28th St. and 5th Ave. in New York City, which will apparently be instrumental in helping stressed men get promotions at their jobs.

There’s no denying that working a nine to five job can be stressful on both your mind and body, especially in a non-stop city like Manhattan. It’s really important for guys to look after themselves so that they can stay healthy and focus properly on the task in hand. We’re told time and time again how beneficial it is to have a break away from your desk. At Hot Octopuss we are all about looking for new solutions to improve everyday life and we feel we’ve done just that with the new GuyFi booth. We hope the city’s men enjoy using the space we’ve created in whatever way they want. It’s completely free of charge… all that we ask is they thank us when they get their promotion!


Hot Octopuss’ newest solution to “improve everyday life” is as inconspicuous as a phone booth to the casual bystander, but only its patrons and the good Lord knows what goes on inside.