Doomsday Clock Stays at 3 Minutes to Midnight

The Doomsday Clock did not change this year and remains at 3 Minutes to Midnight.

This clock is a metaphor measurement of how close humanity is to destroying itself. It is managed by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. Despite the progress of the Iran nuclear deal, the conflicts with Syria, Ukraine, and North Korea’s nuclear test the threat level has yet to rise.

Last year the clock was moved up two minutes to 11:57 p.m. and will remain there, the closest its been to midnight since 1984 (the height of the Cold War).


“Three minutes is too close, far too close”,

according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,

“We as members of the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, want to be clear about our decisions not to move the hands of the Doomsday Clock in 2016: That decision is not good news, but an expression of dismay that world leaders continue to fail to focus their efforts and the world’s attention on reducing the extreme danger posed by nuclear weapons and climate change”.

When the clock was set running in 1945 it was set to seven minutes. In 1953 it reached the closest it was ever been to date when the United States and the Soviet Union both successfully tested Hydrogen bombs. The clock was set at 11:58 p.m..