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After signing the TPP–short for Trans-Pacific Partnership, a regional trade deal between several countries, including Australia, Japan, Mexico and more–New Zealand politician Steven Joyce gave a brief press conference to a small gathering of reporters, likely to explain the day’s events in layman’s terms and help the press become more acclimated with their country’s involvement with the agreement. Someone in attendance clearly had an issue with Joyce’s political maneuvers.

A protester launched a dildo at Joyce and it hit him square in the face. Why a dildo you ask? The accompanying shouts may provide some clarity. “That’s for raping our sovereignty!” There it is.


The awkward moment didn’t stop Joyce from finishing his press conference, especially considering the dildo thrower was immediately led away from the conference. The politician was seen walking away afterwards in all smiles, so it didn’t look like he was being a…dick about it (couldn’t help it).