Lil Kim Covers Drake’s ‘Summer Sixteen’ In New Freestyle

The Queen Bee is gradually regaining her throne. Lil Kim has released a cover to Drake‘s “Summer Sixteen.” Since the late 90s, Kim’s edge and spunk kept fans wanting more from the 4-foot-11 diva. It seems as if in 2016, the world is in for a reboot.

There aren’t many rappers whose work gets studied by academia. At a certain point in time, Syracuse University created an accredited class dedicated to Kim’s sophomore album, Notorious K.I.M.. Students analyzed the album’s skits and their relation to government surveillance. Kim’s discography and strides in culture prove how much fans loved her music in the past. Today [Thursday, March 10] those who were newborns during her most pivotal releases are catching on to why the world can’t get enough of the self-proclaimed “Queen B*tch.”

Reaching platinum record status as a Hip Hop artist is not an easy task. While the industry has definitely changed in regards to what it takes to get there, many things have stayed the same. The allure of a talented and unique artist will prevail no matter what conditions are occurring. Will 2016 be the comeback year for the original Queen Bee?
