Drake’s Signature “6” Sample Is From Biggie’s “10 Crack Commandments”

If you know Drake (you do) you might be familiar with his sonic “6” signature.

Drake, one of Toronto’s finest exports, has popularized “The 6” as a nickname for Toronto, and the number appears frequently in Drizzy’s music, with his upcoming album even entitled Views From The 6.

Perhaps most easily recognizable is the heavily delayed, echoing spoken number “6” that often brands his music. But has anyone given much thought as to where the sample came from?


Well, one unassuming Twitter user @KonnerNextDoor took it upon himself to crack the code. It looks like the Drake staple is actually sampled from Notorious B.I.G.’s “10 Crack Commandments.”

Listen to the breakdown below:


In turn, Biggie originally sampled it from Chuck D of Public Enemy.