Kim Kardashian West’s Pregnancy Scare Was Just That…a Scare

False Alarm! The social media queen herself; Kim Kardashian West is NOT pregnant.

The KUWTK star took to Snapchat to share that she had bought three take home pregnancy tests and even took them while in a confined bathroom on a flight.

She says in the snap vid, “I’m legit in the airplane bathroom taking a pregnancy test because I’m having a little bit of a scare.” We’re sure her husband, Kanye West, was disappointed with the news because in a recent interview with Ellen, the rapper expressed excitement over the possibility of having more children. The couple already has two, why not add another?


Kardashian-West also shared a photo of the home tests leaving everyone holding their breathe but to only to have her suspicions denied when the test came up “not pregnant.” I’m sure the couple fits in many practices, so actual pregnancy news might be closer than we might think.
