Will Smith Says He’s Spoken With Barack Obama About Playing Him in a Future Movie

Will Smith is one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood, and he’s certainly on the short list of the greatest actors ever. Smith made a name for himself as a goofy Bel-Air transplant on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, then rose through the Hollywood ranks in movies like Six Degrees of Separation, Men in Black, Bad Boys, I Am Legend, Hancock, Ali, The Pursuit of Happyness, Seven Pounds and, most recently, as famed good-villain Deadshot in Suicide Squad. The range of those roles is eye-popping, even for someone not high on Smith’s acting abilities.

In the future, that palette could expand to include the President of the United States. During a recent chat on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Smith admitted that he and Barack Obama have lightly discussed the possibility of Smith playing Obama in a future movie. According to Smith, Obama hasn’t given the idea a ringing endorsement just yet–to be fair, he’s got a boatload of more pressing issues to mull over–but they have discussed it on more than one occasion, and Obama has admitted that Will “has the ears” for the job.

It would be a full-circle moment for Smith, who has expressed interest in getting involved in politics int he past. In speaking about those ideas, Smith told Colbert he feels politics isn’t ‘where his greatest gifts are.’

You can watch Smith’s interview above.