Charlamagne tha God Just Gave Lauren London the Illest Nipsey Hussle Pendant

The death of Nipsey Hussle is still hard to grasp for many of us out here, but it goes without saying that few can truly understand the grief currently affecting his longtime girlfriend & mother of his youngest child, Lauren London. That’s why we definitely salute Charlamagne tha God for his recent effort to give her a golden keepsake that’ll keep his memory shining forever.

Crafted by famed jeweler Greg Yuna, this amazingly accurate pendant of Nipsey’s profile features some intricate detailing and a premium build that even includes diamonds embroidered into the piece. Speaking with HYPEBEAST about how it came about, Yuna states, “I had to find the best picture of him that I thought would be most suitable and iconic.” In regards to the actual construction, he talks bout spending “tedious endless hours on the computer trying to get as much detail as possible in so we can print it on a state of the art 3D printing machine.” Cast in gold and even lasering on his tattoos to really get the likeness right, Greg Yuna & Charlamagne really came together for a true work of art that we tip our hats to for sure. They went for the gold and succeeded 100% at honoring a gone-to-soon rap icon.

Take a closer look at Charlamagne tha God’s Nipsey Hussle piece for Lauren London below, and let us know if you think Greg Yuna nailed it by sounding off on our Facebook and Twitter!

Images: Suresh Gordon (@sureshgordon)