Nicki Minaj was scheduled for a headlining performance at the Jeddah World Fest in Saudi Arabia. She is now canceling her appearance at the festival following the call of human rights organizations who cite the many issues of oppressive nature within the country.
“After careful reflection I have decided to no longer move forward with my scheduled concert at Jeddah World Fest,” Minaj said in a statement. “While I want nothing more than to bring my show to fans in Saudi Arabia, after better educating myself on the issues, I believe it is important for me to make clear my support for the rights of women, the LGBTQ community and freedom of expression.”
The festival was set for the youth of the nation, with admission age beginning at 16. The Hollywood Reporter details women who would attend the show would have to watch the performance from a different area and would have to wear a full abaya.
“Ms. Minaj, as you can see, you are scheduled to perform at a state-sponsored event in one of the most repressive regimes on earth—a country whose leader has also led a relentless campaign to silence women’s rights activists,” HRF CEO Thor Halvorssen wrote to Minaj. “Many of the women who have advocated to lift the driving ban in Saudi Arabia are currently in jail and being subjected to torture that includes electric shocks, flogging, and rape.” The plea went on to explain that the country’s LGBTQ communities have also been victimized by the government.”
Following the statement, Minaj addressed Saudi fans on Twitter:
I’m tired of my fans sending me DM’s saying they want to commit suicide. You guys will never know the things my fans express to me privately. It would break me if even one of my fans were arrested, or BEATEN for expressing themselves. God is LOVE. NO disrespect to the Saudi govt
True or false?
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