86-year-old Legendary actor Danny Aiello passed away Thursday after a battle with an unknown illness. He broke into acting when he was just 37-years-old and had an extraordinary career with much success. The New York native was never formally trained to act and he insists he learned to act from living in the Big Apple–New York City.
His 50-year stage and screen career included memorable roles as ‘Sal’ in the classic “Do the Right Thing”— which he received an Oscar Nomination “Moonstruck”, “Harlem Nights” and “The Godfather Part II.
Aiello was an inspiration to us all to continue following our dreams. He started out working in the union as a bus driver and realized he had a knack for public speaking. Following his role alongside Spike Lee, he broke out at the age of 40 starring in the movie Moonstruck.
Aiello has had a long extensive career playing over 90 iconic roles. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Sandy Aiello and his three children. He will be missed.