J. Cole Begins ‘The Fall Off’ LP Rollout with Two New Tracks

J. Cole has begun the rollout of his 6th studio album The Fall Off revealing on social media that he’s dropping two new records on Wednesday night. Cole will be dropping “The Climb Back” and “Lion King on Ice” at 10 pm.

Still, with no date for the album, Cole is testing the waters with a new, re-activated version of himself as he detailed in his self-written Players Tribune article. The Fayetteville native details how he felt unmotivated following the success of his third album 2014 Forest Hills Drive which was Cole’s first album to go Platinum with no features.

“The Climb Back” is produced by Cole himself, while “Lion King on Ice” will be credited to T-Minus and Jetson. Based on the Players Tribune article Cole titled “The Audacity,” it seems like the same rapper who’s last 3 projects had no features might actually be entertaining some guests verses this go around.


Cole admits that his competitive drive is what stopped him from putting rappers on his albums and prevented him from generating friendships in the industry.

This is speculation, but as the rollout of the album begins, Cole linked up with Harlem rapper Dave East. Perhaps there is something between them on the horizon.
