Tyler Perry to Donate $100K to Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend’s Legal Defense Fund

Tyler Perry donated $100,000 towards Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend’s, Kenneth Walker’s, legal defense fund.

Officer Johnathan Mattingly is suing Walker for assault and emotional distress because Walker shot his gun acting in self-defense after Mattingly and other plainclothes officers raided Taylor’s home without a warrant and unannounced.

Mattingly was shot in the leg but the investigation was inconclusive and authorities couldn’t determine if the bullet came from Walker’s gun or not.


A GoFundMe page was created to assist Walker with his upcoming legal fees and the goal was $100K. Perry donated the goal amount to the campaign.

Walker was originally facing attempted murder charges that were later dropped in May. In September, Walker filed a civil lawsuit against Louisville and the police department arguing that he can’t be arrested because he acted in self-defense under the Stand Your Ground law.

Justice still has not been served for Breonna Taylor but it’s heartwarming to see Kenneth Walker being supported while Mattingly harasses him although he and his crew murdered this man’s girlfriend and traumatized him for life.