American Airlines Pilot Has Possible UFO Spotting

An American Airlines pilot apparently spots a UFO while flying from Cincinnati to Phoenix. The UFO spotted by the American Airlines pilot is under investigation.

Just what we need amidst a panoramic, an alien invasion.

On Sunday (Jan 21), An American Airlines pilot sounded pretty perplexed by a “long, cylindrical object” zooming over his plane in New Mexico airspace. The event takes place not too far from Roswell, which houses the International UFO Museum and Research Center.


Since then, a transmission recorded by Steve Douglass on his blog, Deep Black Horizon has been verified to Fox News by American Airlines themselves.

While traveling from Cincinnati to Phoenix the pilot on flight 2292 around 1:00 p.m. CST radioed in. During his radio call, the pilot says there’s an unidentified object flying right on top of them.”Do you have any targets up here? We just had something go right over the top of us,” the pilot said in the radio transmission. “I hate to say this but it looked like a long cylindrical object that almost looked like a cruise missile type of thing moving really fast. It went right over the top of us.”  

American Airlines confirmed that the radio transmission is authentic. However, they did not give any further comment on the possible alien encounter; at least not at that time.

According to a TMZ update at 9:52 AM PT, the FAA is refuting the pilot’s sighting at that time in New Mexico. The FAA tells TMZ …

“FAA air traffic controllers did not see any object in the area on their radarscopes.”

What do you guys think the pilot saw? People have been talking about the appending zombie apocalypse during the pandemic… But maybe it’s going to be an alien invasion instead?