Whopperme, a young, black entrepreneur has taken social media by storm. The young artist has had a hand in multiple endeavors such as Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter. Though she has reached her success through these avenues, Andrea Young is also planning to reach new heights by releasing music in the near future. The twenty-year-old has been able to use her Instagram platform to achieve 1.7 million followers, and it continues to rise rapidly. She promotes her curves and assets by executing Tiktok trends, cosplay, and entertaining reels. The vixen has also made appearances in music videos by notable artists like LilBaby, Yella Breezy, Asian Doll, and more! Using sexuality to her advantage Drea will soon be launching an online adult sex shop. She is dipping into multiple facets to expand the Whopperme brand.
Andrea’s experience has not always been as positive as she strives for her brand to exude. Early on Drea experienced relentless bullying by her school peers. Sadly, home did not stray too far from the mental anguish provided at school. Her biological father has been mentally and physically abusing his daughter, often berating her behavior and failing to attend her graduation ceremony. In the face of adversity, Drea decided to take control of herself. Her peers often gloated about their measly 20k followers, but once Whopperme was introduced online it surpassed anyone’s expectation. Andrea started her Instagram early in her senior year of high school and quickly rose to 300k followers by the end of that very same year. This is what fuels the drive towards most of her goals and being able to build a brand by her own flourishing. She not only is motivated to succeed from her experiences but remains humble in life. Though Whopperme currently lives cozy in Atlanta Georgia, It is not uncommon for the artist to take time out of her schedule to conduct community aid. Whenever she is able Drea selflessly participates in feedings the homeless or donating old clothes. It is imperative to her that even reaching new heights she is able to give back to others as everyone has their own journey. The hardworking, positive and driven person Andrea continues to exude not only through her works but her actions. One piece of advice the artist expresses, “Do what makes you happy because you only live once. For example, stop being scared to show your body online or whatever it is you would like to do all because you are afraid of judgment. You have to do what works for you, especially if you see the opportunity come to you. Don’t pass it by, you may come to regret it depending on how it could have benefited you. Think of it like this, will it change your life? Can it help you in the long run? Could it ease the weight of the world, pay the bills? You should do what makes you happy because people are going to talk about you regardless. If that’s your way of making your money then do that. You shouldn’t stop your opportunities because of other’s judgment. There is plenty of money to go around, remain humble, and move in silence, you will eventually thank me”.
Keep an eye out for this star, it appears whatever area she plays a part in she is bound to succeed.