Video: SpaceGhostPurpp – 5 Fingers of Death Freestyle


SpaceGhostPurpp stopped by Shade45 to try his hand over DJ Wonder’s 5 Fingers of Death, no pun intended. The 5 Fingers of Death consists of freestyling over five different beats.  

Going in without hesitation, after the first  two slow-paced beats, he flows hard on the rest putting Sway in disbelief that his bars were off the top. You can watch the freestyle below.



– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)

Video: SpaceGhostPurpp – 5 Fingers Of Death Freestyle


SpaceGhostPurpp stopped by Shade45 to try his hand over DJ Wonder’s 5 Fingers of Death, no pun intended.

The 5 Fingers of Death consists of freestyling over five different beats.  Going in without hesitation, after the first  two slow-paced beats, he goes in on the rest putting Sway in disbelief that his bars were off the top.


You can watch the freestyle below.


– John Weber (@JohnPaulWeber)