Desiree Schlotz’s Drops New Track “Bali”

Desiree Schlotz, an American Phillipino music genius, has once again shocked her fans with her brand-new song “Bali.” It’s currently trending on the internet, with an increasing number of fans turning in every day. It has set new records on the majority of streaming services.

Desiree Schlotz is aiming to become the next musical superstar after attracting the attention of many people around the world. She has so far released three songs, all of which are progressively gaining popularity, demonstrating her true potential.

Desiree Schlotz ‘s name has gotten a lot of attention thanks to Rumor Records. They have assisted in the production of the song in a way that maintains the artist’s original approach while also reaching out to mass media. Because of their involvement, the song has been a success.


Listen to “Bali” today by pressing play below.