Artist and Producer Lifeofkodi Releases “SUNLIGHT”

Making his mark on the industry, artist Lifeofkodi, born Kodi King, is redefining what a career in the music industry looks like. Though he didn’t always have dreams of becoming a successful musician, over the pandemic, he took his extra spare time to explore a new hobby and express himself creatively. This venture really took off with fans, and he has turned this into a full-time endeavor.

Having successfully built up his own business from the ground up, Lifeofkodi knows better than anyone what it takes to make it to the top. When times were tough, he even bagged groceries at the store in order to make ends meet. He is now a long way from these humble beginnings, but he hasn’t forgotten his roots or how much value is in hard work and dedication.

At the core of everything he does, Lifeofkodi just wants to help people reach their higher selves and come out on top. In his music career, he is hoping to learn from the greats through collaborations, and really just continuing to put in work in the studio and perfect his craft.

To hear more from Lifeofkodi and stay up-to-date with his latest projects, you can check him out at the following links: