HGM Moe Ji One, Change of life

HGM Moe Ji One is a musician, photographer, designer and entrepreneur. Today we will talk about his story, and how he has become so successful.

How did Mohammed Gaber start his career?

Before gaining fame, HGM Moe Ji One was an average man. However, he was on a personal quest to diversify his income, but with activities that he is truly passionate about. 

Funny stop, where he quoted J.Cole in his Twitter account @moejione

When he turned one year old, his parents took him to Saudi Arabia. He studied in Riyadh and graduated from Al Yamamah University in 2019. Samir is the eldest of three siblings. He is currently single and childless. Among his biggest inspirations is his father, while the dose of love he took from his mother. Both were the support to become the person he is today.

One of the keys to success in Mohammed Gaber’s life is that he is passionate about everything he does. He is creative and every activity he pursues is important to him.

What does Mohammed Gaber do?

Mohammed Samir Gaber achieved fame thanks to his voice by becoming a voice actor for an animated series. His great success is Moe Ji One, character of “Hella Good Man” (HGM). Also, “The Crying Night” in the series “Rise of The Witches”. Another of his biggest participation has been in the series Takki aired on Netflix.

Another of HGM Moe Ji One’s passions is music. He has composed several songs available on some streaming platforms. This year he will release a new single called “X by HGM Moe Ji One” and it will be available mainly on Apple Music and other international streaming platforms. He is also the creator of “Coke Studio Africa”.

In 2014 he released his first album, which reached millions of plays thanks to the help of MBC FM, the main radio station in Saudi Arabia. In 2022 he participated in the MDL Beast festival, held in the city of Riyadh.

Official Accounts:

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