Flipzworld, born & raised in Sandusky, Ohio. Currently residing in Cleveland, Ohio; Flipzworld has been making music his entire life. To speak a little more specifically, ever since recieving his first drum machine as a child; a Zoom RhythmTrak RT-223. It was right then & there that Flipz fell in love with music. That day and tens of thousands of days to follow, he would spend hours simply experimentating through trial and error, not really knowing what he was doing other than the basic and limited knowledge from his older brother. With that and his Zoom RhythmTrak RT-223 Flipzworld took what he had & ran with it!
As he got older, his love for music shifted to dance. Flipzworld would practice dancing in his freetime as well as making additional time for it. Up until his junior year of high school when he still continued dancing, but had once again gotten back into making music. Now, using FL studio since 2006. Having learned well beyond the basics by now, Flipzworld began to much more strategically make beats that he could potentially dance to for himself with no sights on releasing them to the public. Fast forward to 2020 when the Covid-19/Corona Virus pandemic took place. Everybody for the greater part was relatively trapped in their homes in an effort to slow/stop the spread. of the disease. Flipzworld had bought an Akai MPC Live & decided to do music the whole entire year since that’s all he had to do at the time during lockdown. He created beats completely off of his MPC using standalone mode. Not many knew he wasn’t using a DAW at the time. Additionally, he also chose to join other communities where they had other MPC users where he was able to connect and share games with one-another. Along the same topic, Flipzworld is quoted having said:
“I had to use what I had at the time. I was using YouTube for anything & everything.”
Ever since 2020, Flipzworld has been praiseworthy and consistent with releasing a track every month & continues doing so today. Never missing a month there wasn’t even one where he did not upload. Flipz pulls his creative inspiration from everywhere & everyone. His style is quite different from anything else quite purposefully, often aiming to think outside the box, different from the norm & trying to be as innovative & as creative as possible.
“I try not to keep myself in a box, I don’t want to be known for just one genre or a certain style of music. It’s one of many reasons why I have the name that I do.”
“I’ve heard people say to me that I don’t make normal music & that’s exactly what I want to hear, I strive to not sound like everyone else.”
Be sure to be on the lookout for his coming single “Vibranium” naturally a “Black Panther ” inspired track of course. If you want to know more about the Cleveland producer, be sure to follow Flipzworld on his socials, he’s very active on just about every platform. Want to hear his music? Checkout the hyperlink for streaming his music, following on all socials, and more below and you won’t be disappointed!
All Powerful Hyper-Link:
@FlipzWorld (withkoji.com)