Today’s Mathematics


Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Culture all being Born to Equality

Peace! Today’s Mathematics is Wisdom Culture all being Born to Equality. Wisdom is the intelligent way that one shows their Culture, which is one’s way of life, in a Equal manner to all of the world’s human families. Everyone’s Culture has made an Equal contribution to the way that society views the world and it is the words and deeds of those who adhere to a particular Culture that influence these views. No one’s language, dress code, names, and family structure has had as much impact on other Cultures around the world as much as the Original Man and Woman.


The way that a person lives their life is their Equality to the world. No matter if their words and actions are good or bad, the things that one says or does will always be what people will remember. Trayvon Martin’s dad Tracy Martin is giving the opening remarks in today’s historic, first ever Congressional Caucus on Black Men and Boys Hearing. Lets make sure that this government inspired move isn’t the 52 fake out attempt to avoid bringing George Zimmerman up on federal charges for killing Trayvon. The public discussion is being switched from Martin’s murder to the Black on Black crime epidemic in Chicago in order to make us forget that our lives mean nothing to the American judicial system in the first place. Watch how many options the system will have for an obviously mentally impaired junkie like Amanda Bynes, but you can bet that Chris Brown’s options in his hit and run case will be limited to active jail time or some sort of commitment to the criminal justice system. Anthony Weiner is publicly bragging about the same behavior that former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick went to prison for. Last but not least, the big headed scientist award of the day goes to former Florida Congressman and current sellout Allen West who condemned the President for personalizing his experiences with racial profiling as it relates to Trayvon Martin. This Stephen from Django a** n***a said that “I believe it comes back to being a respectful young man and maybe that was something that was missing out of President Obama and Trayvon Martin’s life.” He must’ve gotten a fat check to contradict the sentiments he shared back in March, when he said, “it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him.” In the streets, people spit it how they live it, but if you’re spitting it from a forked tongue, then you’re a snake that can’t be trusted.

Wisdom Culture simply means to take that which is previously unknown to those around you and making it known to everybody within no limit of time. The saying in the streets of “get it how you live” stands firm and true in today’s reality, however, to get it and live righteously is the objective of today’s mathematics. Peace to all!

-Sha Be Allah(@KingPenStatus)