Jay Bilas Ethers NCAA; NCAA Removes Shopping Cart Search Option From Website

Jay Bilas 1, NCAA 0

Just when you think Jay Bilas can’t get any cooler, he does. Other than tweeting out Young Jeezy lyrics every morning with the phrase “I gotta go to work” after them Jay Bilas also rips the NCAA from time to time. Today was a little different though because the NCAA responded to Bilas.


Jay Bilas took time out of his day to use the “search bar” option on the ShopNCAASports.com to make his point. Over the years Bilas has been an advocate for player’s to make money so today he showed what the NCAA has been doing with the player’s names.

After all Bilas’ tweets the NCAA decided to cut their loses and just remove the search option from the website. Chalk that one up as W for Bilas.

Check some of the tweets down below.

Bilas also sent a couple of shots towards the NCAA President and his board.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)