Grand Theft Auto V Made $800 Million In 24 Hours


GTA V crushes opening day sales

If you went out yesterday to sit in a fairly long line to purchase Grand Theft Auto V then you contributed to this. Take a break from running the streets of Los Santos and peep the financial side of a video game release.


Grand Theft Auto made $800 million in first day sales yesterday. Read that again, let it sink in, then imagine how much money that is. Those sales numbers shattered the 24 hour worldwide record of $500 million which was set by Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

Grand Theft Auto V will likely break $1 billion in sales this week furthering it’s record breaking release. Keep in mind the online play for GTA V isn’t even available yet.

Following your break to read this I think it’s time we all get back to playing GTA V.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)