I Am A God: 10 Actors Born To Play Kanye In A Biopic

kanyeIs there a man fit to play the legend? We found 10 of them.

With production set for the Tupac biopic and the BBC interview series with Kanye West starting sizable discussion on the everything everywhere, it had the office buzzing on who would be able to capture the eccentric and beyond talented artist that is Kanye Omari West. Of course, hopefully there will be much more to the full story of Kanye that is yet unwritten, but it’s never too early to imagine what the criteria would be to play the lead.

The actor would not only have to be passionately articulate with a grill in and give the coldest of shoulders to anyone at any moment, but most importantly make you feel the creative madness that pours out of him at all times. The actor must command your respect. You should fear and love him. But he should also be human, for God came down to Earth as man as well (JYesús). Relationship and work stress will affect his life. Losing his mom has to break him down like any other man. And putting a babysit in the car should be a struggle.

Hollywood can always front the fact that the actor may not be as musically talented, but the level of expression needs to be matched. Sounds like a complex role nothing short of an Oscar performance? Well, we have rounded up 10 actors and the shining moment so far in their careers that prove they’re of the right caliber. Give any of the following 10 actors a shot and we’re positive they’ll collect a Grammy every time.

Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)