cell phone

Handgun Made to Look Like A Smartphone Raises Safety Concerns


In what is perhaps one the most thoughtless and socially irresponsible inventions ever conceived, a Minnesota company going by the name of Ideal Conceal has issued a .380-caliber handgun that looks almost exactly like a smartphone. Visit streaming.thesource.com for more information Kirk Kjellberg, creator of the gun, wanted to devise a solution for carrying his gun […]

Texas Teen Smartphone Fries Overnight While Charging


The cell phone to most teenagers is like an infant, its well taken care of and it’s in our hands at all times. The phone companies probably warned you about the dangers of a cell phone which includes overheating or its in the manual – you know, that book like thing that comes in the […]

Can Shirly Paulse And The UronimoZA Technology Change The World?

Shirly Paulse Pic 3

Will Shirly Paulse & UronimoZA Revolutionize The Cell Phone Industry? Visit streaming.thesource.com for more information A few months ago we were talking to our good friend Mike McGranahan about what we could do to make this a better planet and he mentioned a new technology that had the potential to change the world.  Mike suggested […]

Cell Phone Wars


“Cell Phone Wars” Could Make Prices Cheaper Posted by Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher @HHSYC Visit streaming.thesource.com for more information Analysts: Price war sparked by T-Mobile could cut into carrier profits By Phil Goldstein/FierceWireless The aggressive moves T-Mobile US (NYSE:TMUS) has made to lure customers, and the responses so far from AT&T Mobility (NYSE:T) and […]

The New Nissan Scratch Shield iPhone Case

Visit streaming.thesource.com for more information Nissan has developed a type of paint for its cars that can automatically fix scratches. The company’s taking its tech off your car and onto your iPhone 4 or 4S. The new Nissan Scratch Shield is made of ABS plastic that makes up the case is designed to be more […]