Luisa Harris

ICYMI: Lusia Harris, Only Woman Drafted by NBA, Dies at 66

Lusia Harris died Tuesday, according to her family, after being the first woman to be officially drafted by an NBA franchise

Lusia Harris died Tuesday, according to her family, after being the first woman to be officially drafted by an NBA franchise and scoring the first points in women’s basketball history at the Olympics. She was 66 years old at the time. Visit for more information “We are deeply saddened to share the news that […]

Lusia Harris, Only Woman Drafted by NBA, Dies at 66

Lusia Harris died Tuesday, according to her family, after being the first woman to be officially drafted by an NBA franchise

Lusia Harris died Tuesday, according to her family, after being the first woman to be officially drafted by an NBA franchise and scoring the first points in women’s basketball history at the Olympics. She was 66 years old at the time. Visit for more information “We are deeply saddened to share the news that […]