SMACK Volume 5

DNA Claims G.O.A.T. Status… Hard to Debate After #Volume5 Performance

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The card was fire. Visit for more information There were few (if any battles) without replay value and more debatables at the event than anyone would have expected. First of all, there were three clear wins: Swamp vs. Ace Amin, Tsu Surf vs. Reed Dollaz and DNA vs. Aye Verb. There also were three […]

The End of The Battle Rap’s Year Gets Cranked Up a Notch with ‘Volume 5’

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Rounding out a stellar year, SMACK and his band of winners have pressed forward with one more event to satisfy the battle rap fan. Doing it almost better than any other league, they have mastered big stages, talent scouting, small rooms, artistically experimental (just think about the way you felt the first time you saw […]