Hopsin Rants On “Two-Faced Fans”, Addresses Personal And Tour Issues

hopsinHopsin has never been the type of person to hold back his true thoughts and feelings; from label/industry viewpoints to his independent struggles. The always-honest and forthcoming indie artist took to Twitter on Monday (2/17) for a steamed rant and to let all his fans know how he REALLY feels.

Apparently, the rapper was scheduled to perform in Fort Collins, CO for a stop on his “Knock Madness” tour, but the mounting pressure on him culminated with a breakdown and he chose to “walk away from the show”, claiming he “had too much pain to perform.”

Hopsin writes, “As of today I’m officially burned out. I’m 100 percent over being in this light. The rap game can suck my d*** and so can u two faced d*** riding fans who are quick to turn your back on me if I don’t give u what u want. I ain’t no damn celebrity and I ain’t bout to play this ‘fame game.'”



The pressures of the nationwide tour, slated to be the powerhouse behind Hop’s upcoming (and long-anticipated) album, Knock Madness, got to him, simply put. He even touches on his changed religious relationship, “Being so heavily involved with this industry made me lose touch with god,” he wrote. “I don’t even know if I believe in him anymore. I wanna believe, but I have really locked myself into understanding that he isn’t real. And I never thought I’d reach this point.”

Personally, I have been a fan of the Funk Volume emcee for a long time, it was unsettling hearing his rant today, but at the same time I also felt for him in a way. Unless you’re under the weight and pressure he is, it’s nearly impossible to negatively call him out for speaking his mind. Artists are human, too. They get fed up too. But, then there is another part of me thinking “Hop, you’re in a position of power. Speak your mind, but don’t call your own fans names; especially with a core following of young kids.” I am still, and will remain, a fan of Hopsin. From here, a test will ensue to see if his true fans will back him or back out.

Artists of all kinds can relate to the tribulations one goes through when aiming to keep up creativity under mass amounts of pressure, let alone in front of the world. With his age, the length of time he’s already been in the game and being the king of his own label, who are we to judge? Do Hopsin’s recent words change your feeling about him as an artist?

Matt Whitlock – @mattwhitlockpm

One thought on “Hopsin Rants On “Two-Faced Fans”, Addresses Personal And Tour Issues

  1. I understand hopsin where he coming from I jus want to say that when he look back at what he wrote he don’t all is fans like me I’m two Faced oh yeah /FUNKVOLUME4LIFE\ hopsin is my nigga

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