Nas, Untitled (2008)
Based on the content of his raps, one wouldn’t believe that the thought-provoking Nas dropped out of school when he was in the eight-grade. On his ninth studio album, originally titled Nigger, Nas gives listeners insight into why ni… do what they do.
He starts things off with the Jay Electronica–produced “Queens Get The Money.” Using his unorthodox flow, Nas raps, “I’m Huey P in Louis V at the eulogy/throwing Molotovs for Emmett.” Nas informs listeners that he understands the conditions that creates these types of behavior.
Nas doesn’t stray from the nigger theme on Untitled. On the Mark Baston-produced, “Testify,” Nas raps, “I just burnt my American Flag and sent three cracker Nazis to Hell and I’m sad.” Then the Queens MC poses a mind-boggling question, he ask listeners if they would testify on behalf of revolutionary William Cooper? Then indirectly answers for them by saying that they don’t really understand the consequences of testifying against the government.
He also pays homage to revolutionaries, Jonathon and Georg Jackson, on the,“Untitled.” Nas tells the story of revolutionaries losing their lives for the sake of the common man.
He also bashes black leaders on the Eric Hudson-produced, “Project Roach,” featuring Eban Thomas, by attacking activist for having a funeral for the N-word; instead ni… need to be resurrected, Nas suggest.
Untitled would make for an excellent lecture in a class that looks at urbanization, deindustrialization, Jim Crow Laws and Reconstruction, which are some of the conditions that created ni….