Is It True?: DOOM Says Madvillainy Sequel is ‘Just About Done’

We know, you’ve heard this one before.


MF DOOM and Madlib blessed all of hip hop with one of the most critically acclaimed projects of their respective careers and quite possibly in Hip Hop history with Madvillainy, nearly 10 years ago to the date. DOOM was in rare form, spitting verses crammed with nearly impenetrable references that spanned from pop culture to the sciences, with his unorthodox rhyme scheme, song structure and voice quality, over some of Madlib’s all time greatest production efforts.  The album changed what people thought a Hip Hop album should sound like — having no choruses, and featuring several instrumental tracks.

Since the release of Madvillainy, Madlib has released a sequel Madvillainy 2, which were basically remixes of the first album as well as two songs — “Papermil” and “Avalanche/Victory Laps”. “Avalanche” has yet to be released in full as “Avalanche/Victory Laps” only features snippets of the two songs. “Victory Laps” has been released in full through Stones Throw Records with a remix featuring a verse from none other than Ghosface Killah — whom is also said to have a forthcoming project with DOOM.

Today we receive news that the highly anticipated sequel to Madvillainy could be hitting our eardrums sooner than we thought, from none of other than Stones Throw Records’ head Peanut Butter Wolf. In a supposed e-mail between the DOOM and Wolf he posted on Instagram, the self-proclaimed ‘Super Villain’ claims that he will be doing “final touch-ups over the weekend” and “then she’ll be ready.” The e-mail’s subject line read “MV2” assumed by all to stand for “Madvillainy 2” which will likely not be the actual name of the project due to the aforementioned album released by Madlib of the same name. 

Now DOOM has been known for his trickery, notoriously sending impostors guised in his iconic metal mask to perform as he watched from the crowd — as part of his villainous persona — so skepticism is expected. Additionally, Peter Butter Wolf has since replaced with another claiming it was a week late “April fool’s joke”. This could mean that either this was indeed a week late prank, or that it was genuine and Wolf received some backlash for releasing the e-mail — we hope it’s the latter.

Check out the alleged e-mail below.

– Khari Clarke (@KINGCLARKEIII)