Former NBA Baller Magic Johnson and his beautiful wife Cookie have been married for a solid 22 years! Although, the ride has been tumultuous, the two guarantee that every moment and indiscretion has been worth it to finally be able to enjoy this moment. 

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Amid the Donald Sterling controversy and Magic’s position as a top businessman, the couple found time to grace the historic pages of Ebony Magazine.

Cookie made sure to be open about their past saying  “We had our ups and downs.  We had a period where we were about to separate. There was a point where I was home all the time; he was working. Sometimes you start growing apart a little because he’s seeing new adventurous stuff. He’s out in the world. He’s growing. I’m stagnant.”


Magic countered by expressing the turmoil his life would have been in had he kept continuing on his unfaithful path “If I had kept going and the kids left, we would probably be divorced.  Now we’re so connected to each other, but it took that situation to bring us back.” He added, “I’ve always told Cookie, ‘The only thing I wanted was to grow old with you.’ Now we just look at each other and say how blessed we are.”

Saving the negativity for the very last, Magic spoke about the Donald Sterling debacle stating “I’m glad that I was able to stand up for our people and be the voice.”

Their marriage is truly one to look up to. We look forward to seeing them continually blossom, as well as the business endeavors the two will create.


lauren poe (@lo4o4_)