Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Gets A New, Earlier Release Date

Bats and Supe will be hitting the big screen earlier than expected.

You’re probably getting tired of all the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice news that’s coming out on a seemingly daily basis. Heck, you’re probably tired of having to say the long, Supreme Court case sounding title when talking about it. We feel your pain … so here’s the latest news for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Warner Bros. has announced today that they will change the release of the film six weeks earlier May 6, 2016 date to on March 25. According to reports, WB is looking to construct a sensible schedule for their upcoming DC Comics film releases. As of now there are nine untitled DC movies with release dates reaching into 2020 — so a well-paced flow is probably the best course of action.

Speculation has suggested that there might be a more practical reason for the date change, as Marvel’s Captain America 3 shared the May 6, 2016 date, which if true isn’t the worst move from a business standpoint. We’ll just have to wait and see who wins the superhero movie war.


You can find Khari Clarke at a bar in Williamsburg, and on Twitter (@KINGCLARKEIII).